Navigating Analytics
Expertise in Building and Managing Teams, Structures and Processes for Data Management, Analytics, Modeling, Optimization, Business Intelligence Reporting Dashboards and Real-time Streaming from Cloud Technologies
Going Big With Profitability on the Web: Driving Digital Strategy With Digital Analytics
If your company exists without a digital strategy, you definitely need a digital strategy that is result oriented and measurable! You do not have be Amazon.com, Facebook, Tencent, RenRen, Twitter, Weibo or even VKontakte. Neither do you have to be a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu or even Sogou nor be totally dependent on the internet traffics like eBay, Priceline, Alibaba, Vipshop Holdings or Dangdang Inc. before digital strategy has to be one of the foremost strategies that takes your company to the next level in your respective industry.
If you have a digital strategy that is just a strategy and not implemented or implemented but you cannot quantify the value to the bottom line or you just cannot figure out whether it is doing what it supposed to do, then you need to go back to the drawing table and improve or redesign the digital strategy so that when implemented, it will add value to your bottom line - That simple!
If you are asking why the digital strategy must add value to your bottom-line? Why would you waste your time, resources and invest in something that will not add value but it is only for show or just to convince your investors and employees that you are now in digital age?
The activities taking place on web are enormous. As shown in the slides below by Domo.com, sohu.com and GO-Globe.com, sixty seconds of activities on the web provide tremendous opportunities that a company that seeks to averagely leverage the opportunities will perform better that a company that struggle to understand the benefits of the web. These enormous activities represent enormous sale opportunities as shown “in 60 seconds v2” by GO-Globe.com.
From Social Activities on the Web to Topline Sales on the Web in 60 Seconds
Source: Social Activities from Domo.com
Source: Topline Sales from GO-Globe.com
From Big Data to Digital Analytics Questions
The tremendous information as mentioned by Domo.com, sohu.com and GO-Globe.com represent part of what constitutes the big data.
A company with digital strategy will be interested in the information mentioned above and with this information, digital analytics can provide the measurement, validation, monitoring and reporting of the outcome of the strategy. Leveraging the above numbers to enhance revenue and profitability are where digital analytics can add value in big ways.
A company that uses Digital Analytics can begin to ask the analytically oriented questions: Out of the 204 million email messages that are being sent out every minute as pointed out by Domo.com in 2014, how many of these emails will have impacts on:
The opportunities the company can leverage from the current and potential/future customers who are part of those that are sending emails
Current and future product and services offerings including:
Core product concepts
Products features/benefits (functional, aesthetic)
Product engineering/design
Product packaging
Product brand names
Product lines(styles, features, price)
Current and future activities in brand development and deletion decisions
Current and future pricing decisions in terms of:
Pricing decisions
Overall prices
Price margins
Pricing structures
Price promotions
Current and future marketing communication decisions including but not limited to:
Messaging including types of messaging
Message goals
Sales promotion
Effectiveness measures
What are the consequences of Google search queries on:
Market performance
Sales level
Market penetration
Corporate stature
Financial health
Production capacity
Industry performance
Competitive climate
Environmental factors and development
For Restaurants, Shopping Networks, Nightlife Clubs, Entertainment Centers and other Services, the 26,380 reviews posted every sixty seconds on Yelp.com as noted by Domo.com in 2014 pose analytical maze on how to handle questions that include:
How will the customers’ behavior change?
How will the cost structure change?
How will the segmentation be affected?
How will the competitors redefine their activities?
How will the competitors’ functional strategies change?
How will the competitors change their investment strategies?
How will the product technologies change within the industry?
How will the process technologies change within the industry and the competitive landscape?
How will the financial performance be affected?
What Can Advanced Digital Analytics Do For You in Your Business?!
With the advancement in new technologies that include being able to handle complex and unstructured data, parallel processing and in-memory processing, Digital Analytics is positioned to:
Leverage the big data through the application of sophisticated analytic tools, catalogs, applications and methods to provide insights that management can use to proactively manage critical digital business issues.
Analyze the big data to understand the patterns, trend and “what is next”, "where will it happen next" which customers segment to go after next" and "why does the company's leadership need to change for what will happen next".
Create quantitative environment that allows for objective identification and measurement of drivers that can be influenced if there is the need to change the current course of action(s).
Provide inputs into strategic planning, refining and enriching decision making processes to help validate, sustain, drive new digital marketing orientations which include the:
Changing Needs and Wants of the customers
Integrated efforts between the company and the customers in such a way that the company should seek to satisfy the customers' preferences that will contribute to corporate strategic goals.
Designing of products and services to meet the needs of the customers:
Combining products and services groups into aligned or related divisions to provide broad offerings to market served
Focusing the sales efforts on markets and customers with a shift from product and services coverages
Expanding market analytics to include more information on the end users within the context of digital strategy, customer segments, buying behaviour and brand funnel.
This includes the evaluation of the digital strategy as applied to the customers from the point of the customers getting attention, connecting with the customers, inspiring and informing the customers, persuading, converting and retaining the customers
On the customer segmentation, there is the opportunity to analyze the browsers, the prospects, the leads, the persuades, the customers and the customers that become the loyal customers
With digital analytics in integrating psycho-analytics, there is the capturing of the behaviour of the buyers in terms of the drivers in forming opinion, when do the customers generate the short lists, when do they take action, buy and what drivers keep them coming back
Digital analytics in brand funnel dives deep into the awareness, familiarity, likeability, consideration, purchase and finalize with ownership
Assessment of market attractiveness that:
Involves the identification of the contributing factors in any given situation
Determines and form the relationships among the contributing factors
Weights the contributing factors in any composite measure of “attractiveness” or “position” depending on their relevance to issues under discussion
Focuses on identifying and satisfying needs and wants of customers
Considers the short- and long-term effects of actions on customers and on society
Re-orients planning techniques and processes with competitive marketing strategy as the driving force through the assessment of the company’s market positions
Use of digital marketing matrix to improve strategic and tactical digital marketing in such areas that cover general strategic issues in products, services, customers, pricing, sales, advertising, promotion, distribution and customer services to take advantages of :
Development of sound forecasts in areas of sales, market share and profitability assuming there is not going to be major changes in company’s competitive actions, marketing activities and other external and internal conditions
Development of conditional (alternative) forecasts in areas of sales, market share and profitability assuming there is going to be major changes in company’s competitive actions, marketing activities and other external and internal conditions.
These forecasts should be able to:
Help management adapt to changing environments - actual, potential and latent
Monitor the customer group dimension (who is being served), the customer function dimension (what needs are being satisfied) and the technological dimension (how customer functions are being satisfied).
Alignment of digital analytics as integral part of digital marketing strategy underlining productive adaptation of all corporate resources to new opportunities in the marketplace through:
Situation analyses which include:
Customer analysis
Market analysis
Market trends
Buyer behavior
Competitive analysis
Opportunity analysis
Contingency analysis – “What if” the digital market does not evolve as expected
Monitoring and control
Performance analysis
Customer feedback
Identifying the drivers to aid in creating reservoir of goodwill on the web through:
eListening to the market
Using Chat
Be responsive to inquiries, complaints and comments etc.
Performance Measurement: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Digital Marketing
Out of these analyses are the needs for performance measurements to provide the measurement, monitoring and reporting of the outcome of the strategic changes to answer the questions that include how is the online business performing?
Performance Measurements step in in terms of Performance Metrics which focus on identification, refining and monitoring core performance metrics or “measures that matter” in alignment with the progress towards the achievement of business strategic goals.
The performance measurements provide a common language to communicate business results across an organization. It also provides both short and long-term targets to ensure continuous and breakthrough improvements that focus on:
Sales statistics or metrics which include:
Customer statistics
Performance against forecasts
Marketing cycles
Pricing effects
Product packaging
Need to know marketing statistics or metrics which include:
Product costs
Competitive environment
Marketing data
Develop and maintain integrated and algorithm based combination of Performance Metrics that allow or automate interventions to better manage operational workflows that can guarantee the paths toward revenue and profit.